A nice turnout on today's field trip with 13 observers at the
Oconee River Greenway. This place is a hidden gem in Milledgeville with paved trails that serpentine gently through nature. A link is in the previous sentence.
Even on a beautiful Saturday, these trails never seem to get crowded, unless of course a paddling event is going on. Then the river gets crowded while the trails remain inviting.
Big Sycamore tree |
Our group seems to be typically nicely mixed. You'll find experience birders, intermediate and beginner birders. That way everyone benefits. When observers call out "movement! I see something! a bird!" then we all get to see more bird species that we would otherwise miss. And birders just love to share, don't they?
Birds migration has started and we spotted many Chesnut-sided Warblers and a Cerulean Warbler. Here is a complete
list of our sighting.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo |
Another Cuckoo! |
These Yellow-billed Cuckoos are beautiful! We saw at least seven different ones. All-together 37 different species not including a few Empidonaxes. Who were these flycatchers? An Acadian, a Least, a Yellow-bellied? It helps to identify them when they vocalize but they were pretty quiet today. Fortunately there were plenty of other singing birds all around competing for attention.
Carolina Satyr |
We seem surprised when people sometimes ask us what we are doing. We're birding, right? Not always so obvious when the group gets fascinating by the butterflies, the dragonflies, the wildflowers, the trees,..., nature offers so much to appreciate. And, did I mention earlier we are a mixed group? Many among us know these living wonders in nature, and some are constantly expanding their reservoir of knowledge. I saw Jerry Amerson lying on the ground today to take a picture of a "bug".
Carolina Satyr |
Before you know it, it's time to go. Till next time!
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