Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Common Nighthawk at The Monument

Good birds seen today at the Monument including a very late light morph Common Nighthawk. Many sparrow species; Song, Swamp, White-throated, Field, and Chipping. FOS Dark-eyed Juncos seen by the visitor center. A nice flock of passerines down the path across the street from the Funeral Mound including 2 Brown Creepers, a Blue-headed Vireo, Pine Warblers, and a Black-and-white Warbler. An American Kestrel continues in the snags above the pond. Good to see all that joined this morning. (Picture was taken by Bill Flatau)


Andre Coquerel said...

Nice birding with you this morning, James, and the rest of the small group. Trey, Bill, Walt, and Debbie.

Cool surprise that Nighthawk!

jerry said...

Very nice! Previous late date for our area was OCT 30, 1992!

James said...

I was wondering when the late date for the species was for the area. This was only my second perched CONI ever.

Anne said...

Great picture and great bird!!!!