Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Great Backyard Bird Count

The GBBC -Great Backyard Bird Count- is back this year from February 14th through February 17th.

This is a great project that everyone can participate in.  You can find out about it here.

If you have not participated in this fun bird count before, maybe you want to give it a try this year.  It only takes a few minutes each of the four day of the count (15 minutes or more) and this helps get a good snapshot of birds presence all over the world.  You don't even have to count every day.  And you can count anywhere you are, even just in your backyard.

The GBBC is open to everyone of all ages and you should find answers to your questions on the site with the link in this post.

You can also check out some great pictures from previous counts while you are at the site.

Here is the site again the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Enjoy the count and get the word out to your birding friends.

1 comment:

Anne said...

The GBBC was the first Citizen Science project I ever tried! It was great fun, and got me interested in doing more projects!