Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Great Backyard Bird Count and field trip

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) and the Christmas Bird Count are two big events for Audubon.  We've enjoyed the Christmas Bird Count not long ago, now comes the GBBC from the 13th through the 16th of February.  That is this week-end.

This is your link for more information on this special event GBBC.

Any person can participate by recording bird sightings in their area for as short a period of time as 15 minutes.  Not hard at all.  To found out how to register and submit your observation, click the link again to the GBBC.  You can submit your observations as many times as you wish throughout the weekend.

By recording your sightings, you will contribute to give a snapshot of the avian population in time and space across the world.  Yes, across the world as people in 135 countries or more will be participating, people of all ages.

This is what we have planned at our local level at the Ocmulgee Audubon Society.  We will be going on a field trip at the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center and we will be helping with bird count at the Lockerly Arboretum.

Both places are beautiful and I have inserted links for you in the previous paragraph for more information.  The Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center birding trip coincides with our monthly field trip and you may see more bird specifies there because of the environment.  The Lockerly Arboretum trip is more targeted to the Great Backyard Bird Count, giving our local chapter an opportunity to help with bird count and encourage younger birders with the passion of birding.

Both experiences will be rich and rewarding.  

We will be meeting on Saturday the 14th at 7:30 a.m. at the Shoppes at River Crossing in the upper parking lot by Dillard at 5080 Riverside Drive.

This is what you need to do.  Come meet us this Saturday for a pleasant birding experience.  We will head to both directions (you pick where to go!) from the Shoppes of River Crossing.

See you this Saturday!

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