Saturday, November 12, 2011

LeConte's and Nelson's Sparrows at Lake Tobesofkee

This mornings venture out to Lake Tobosofkee (Duck Ponds) was incredible. We, Joy Brown, Ivy, Trey McCuen, Jerry and Marie Amerson, and I observed a couple of Ammodramus sparrows. Neslon's!!! and LeConte's!!! Other sparrows of note include Swamp, Song, Savannah, Chipping, and Field Sparrows. Jerry got some amazing pictures of the sparrow. I was able to get some phone scoped images and video of the LESP. Try as we might we could never get the NESP to sit down long enough to get a great shot of the bird but it was very cooperative for those of you who want to chase.


jerry said...

thanks for the call James! The Nelsons' was county bird # 258 for me.

James said...

Your pictures are generating a lot of good attention on Ebird and Flickr. Folks especially like the LCSP. It was very educational having both of these Ammodramus species. I would have eventually keyed out the LCSP with my phone-scoped images but would have had issues with the NESP, but thanks to your image it is easier to see the difference. Glad that you and Marie could drive out and get a very nice county bird. Both were county birds for me.

Anne said...

Wow and double wow!!!!!

Andre Coquerel said...

Beautiful pictures!

Joy said...

What great finds!

Congrats Andre on finding the Henslow's!! We have a nice little hot spot happening in middle Georgia now!