Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Local Birding tomorrow

For all interested Trey McCuen and I will be birding locally tomorrow. We will be hitting several hotspots including Tobesofkee Duck Ponds, Lake Julliet, The Ash Ponds, and Piedmont NWR. We are starting out at the duck ponds before dusk looking for American Woodcocks and Owls. From there we will go to Lake Julliet and view the Ash Ponds from Luther Smith Road looking for ducks and Eared Grebes. At Piedmont we intend on finding Northern Bobwhite, Wild Turkey, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, and Bachman's Sparrow. Any and all that want to go just show tomorrow at The Duck Ponds at 6:00 am. Hope to see you there.


Andre Coquerel said...

I read your post a little late or I would have made an attempt to join you.
How did it go? Got company? Saw a lot of birds?

James said...

Only Trey and I went and were able to get some pretty good birds. At the Duck Ponds we heard one American Woodcock. We summoned one Virginia Rail and flushed many Eastern Meadowlark. Unfortunately we did not see any Le Conte's Sparrows. We enjoyed fantastic looks at an adult Bald Eagle. Three Red-shouldered Hawks and a Northern Harrier were also seen.

Afterwards, we drove to Rum Creek M.A.R.S.H project area and found 2 Rusty Blackbirds. Ducks were aplenty. We saw Northern Shovelers, Green-winged Teal, Wood Ducks, Gadwall, and Mallards.

The Ash Ponds aren't far away from Rum Creek. From Lamar Smith Rd we scoped out a couple of rafts of Ducks and were able to make out one Eared Grebe with Gadwall,American Wigeon, and Ring-necked Ducks. I may have had a Common Goldeneye but was only able to see the silhouette.

We stopped in Juliette and found a Bufflehead before going to Peidmont NWR. There we found two Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, one Fox Sparrow, and a Hooded Merganser.

One last stop at Lake Juliette viewed from the dam. We found one Common Loon.

Had a good trip and finished before 1 pm.